New Year Lessons.

I thought today being New Years Eve would be a good time to revisit my old primary school to see how it's holding up. As you can see, not very well!

It still brings back memories of when I was a child lining up at the front steps every morning at 8:50 waiting for the bell to ring ⏰

I also remember sitting in the class room where the blackboard still remains doing lessons with the headmaster, he sat in the big chair, us in the little ones, throwing notes to eachother and outward laughs 😜

Yes, I must do more Urbexing!

The school has been abandoned from 1999 as there was a new one built to accommodate the growing numbers from the local community. In my day each class held a maximum number of 15 pupils.

My last visit could easily be 7 years ago and the decay is certainly picking up pace. Will it still be here in the next 7 years? Watch this space...

Even though the buildings deteriorate our memories do not.

Happy new year to all my followers, thank you for your continued support 🍾🍻
