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Return to the Adventure Centre..

It's been over a decade from I first documented this location and there‘s big changes!

It first started out as a Priests training college and was operational from 1901. Notice the cross and bell tower in the picture below still stands.

Some years later its next use was as a school residential. Kids came here in summer break for a few weeks to enjoy summer camp.

In its later years it was used as an air-soft ground up until it was burnt down, leaving only the shell to stand.

It has a very apocalyptic feel to it, more so than ever. There are signs all over the site giving directions for coffee shops and restaurants that are long since operational.

The Games room and lazer dome. I'd imagine any kid coming here for summer would have been in their element! I know I would have...

There are also remains of electrical hook ups for caravans, this site seemed to have had it all!

Inside the games room.

Snooker and air hockey tables are still in place! Who's for a game? ;D

Arcade machines, no level ups left.

More signage.

When I last visited all these buildings were complete and every floor accessible. Now they've been burnt out to a shell.

Ivy creeping its way in through the door.

Have you ever watched the movie "I am Legend with Will Smith?" This location reminds of this movie so much. It's definitely got that end of days feel to it.

The old pool, now drained of water.

Even the slides are still in place, I wasn't brave enough to go down one. Would you?

This section of the building is the most intact and has suffered the least damage. It wouldn't be hard to imagine this up and running again as it was.

This would have been the bar and restaurant area. The upstairs is sadly not accessible.

There was even a ball pit, however it has been completed destroyed by the fire.

Burnt out vending machines in the corner.

Upstairs to the dorms. In my last visit I was videoing up in these corridors and caught an unseen male voice on the video. I've shared it before, for those who haven't heard it leave a comment and I'll repost it for you..

Through the advanced decay the beds still remain made.

There are plans in to turn this into a nursing home and to put some tourism accommodation on site.

Maybe in the next 10 years I'll revisit to find this is all gone and just a memory.

Did you ever stay in the holiday village as a kid? Send in your comments ;D


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