The Post Office.
I was so excited when I was contacted to come and document this beautiful post office, it's really a time warp and shows exactly how Post offices would have been back in the day.

The building the post office was moved into in 1947 was originally built in 1824, the step and floor tiles are original from this time. The Post office is how it would have been in the 1940s except for the screens, these were later additions and are the only upgrade that took place.

Yes, that's a telephone box that you see! It was the first public phone box in the area.

It's been said that the local farmers would queue out on the street to get to make a call to the local vet.

Instructions on how to use the phone. Which, is now not in place.

A mix of the old and new. Were these the original postmen of the village?

A mix of years. Nothing here was thrown out.

Old filing system for express deliveries, telephones pensions etc.

Original scales and a very ancient cash book. Just look at the style of that writing!

The muted greens and faded browns, so reminiscent of that era.

Letters, cups saucers, and photos amongst other keep sakes burst out of this side dresser.

Even the stamp machine is intact. Left, just as it has been on its last day of service in 2015.

An old tune in radio, I bet it still works!

Cash books from 1986.

The post office was run by two postmistresses,

These stairs lead from the living quarters upstairs.

The Post office is now so quiet, but this must have been so different when it was in full operation.

The folk museum came to the post office to model it on their replica.

The singer sits silently with cob webs entwined in the thread.

It's not hard to picture the Post Mistress sitting at the window, operating the Singer. I wonder did she play music, or sit in silence listening to the machine.

Beds still made, and coats hung over the end, never to be worn again.

Colourful magazines and clothing patterns. She must have been very thrifty with the needle!

Old style Christmas cards on the bed.

Christmas Greetings from 1985.

A very unique barrel chair that I've never seen before.

Drawers are full of old tins and money bags. Always reminders of the building's purpose.

The Belfast Telegraph from 1953! These are full sheet newspapers and if you look close you'll see that the font is now different in today's print also.

Vases and bits of lamps on the window sill, alongside trapped butterflies with the same hue as the curtains.

The post office has been bought by a new owner, who intends to renovate for business or back into a personal home.

They say there's the last time for everything, which I guess makes sense.. I stared at this scene for ages before I took this shot with this thought in mind. Was the Post Mistress aware of the last time she hung this on its hook? I suppose not, but it's moments like this that make me pause.

I'll close with this image. I hope you enjoyed this documentation, don't forget to leave a comment!
If you own a property like this that you'd like documented please get in touch, I'd be happy to visit.